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J2-1-101 4101-RF雙極射頻紅光美容儀.jpg

J2-1-101 4101  RF Bipolar Red Light Beauty Device

J2-1-102 4102-LED口腔紅光理療儀.jpg

J2-1-102 4102-LED oral red light therapy device

J2-1-103 4103-迷你臺式美膚美髮加熱紅光理療烤燈.jpg

J2-1-103 4103-Mini desktop skin care and hair care heating red light therapy baking lamp

J2-1-104 4104-LED紅光理療披肩護頸儀.jpg

J2-1-104 4104-LED Red Light Therapy Shawl Neck Protector

J2-1-105 4119-指關節手腕理療LED紅外手套.jpg

J2-1-105 4119-Knuckle Wrist Therapy LED Infrared Gloves

J2-1-106 4120-EMS按摩腰帶紅外線理療燈.jpg

J2-1-106 4120-EMS massage belt infrared therapy lamp

J2-1-107 4122-便攜美容儀紅外線理療燈.jpg

J2-1-107 4122-Portable beauty instrument infrared therapy lamp

J2-1-108 4124-七彩光子嫩膚臉部美容儀.jpg

J2-1-108 4124-Colorful photorejuvenation facial beauty instrument

J2-1-109 4128-LED紅外線理療帶.jpg

J2-1-109 4128-LED infrared therapy belt

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